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Research and publications

Please see

Book Editor

Leather, M, Hayes, T.A & Mitten, D. (tbc). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Nature, Outdoor Learning and Wellbeing. Bloomsbury. BOOK CO-EDITOR. The collection includes a chapter co-authored with Adam Hart on Minecraft Re/wilding project (title tbc).  


Hayes, T.A., Edlmann, T. and Brown, L. (2019) Storytelling: Global Reflections on Narrative (At the Interface/Probing the Boundaries).  Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Publishers. LEAD EDITOR.


Peer Review Journals


Special Issue of Children’s Geographies (proposal accepted, due out in 2025): Minor Issues in childhood studies: Playful and storied approaches toward caring about the in-between.

Editors: Tracy Hayes (Plymouth Marjon University, UK); Teresa K. Aslanian (University of South-Eastern Norway); John Horton (University of Northampton, UK) and Anna Rigmor Moxnes (University of South-Eastern Norway). 

The authors are from Norway, UK, USA and Finland. The collection includes a co-authored editorial and a co-authored paper: Hayes, T.A. and Horton, J. NOT an agenda for idiosyncratic creative collaborations: sharing stories.


Hadfield-Hill, S., Finn, M., Dudman, J., Ergler, C., Freeman, C., Hayes, T. A., ... & Walker, L. (2023). Expanding the scope of ethical research with and for children and young people–six viewpoints on crisis, cross-cultural working and reciprocity. Children's Geographies.


Hayes, T., Walker, C., Parsons, K., Arya, D., Bowman, B., Germaine, C., Lock, R., Langford, S., Peacock, S. and Thew, H., 2022. In it together! Cultivating space for intergenerational dialogue, empathy and hope in a climate of uncertainty. Children's Geographies, pp.1-16.


Hayes, T.A.; Christie, M.; Leckie, K and Grimwood, S. (2022). Feeling Thankful: Therapeutic and Educational Benefits of Agriculture and Horticulture. Social Publishers Foundation.


Hayes, T.A. (2018) Dr Bear and the Adventure Bears, a response to Horton, J. (2017) ‘For the love of cuddly toys’, Viewpoint, Children’s



Peer reviewed book chapters

Hayes, T.A. (2025 in press). Mudfulness? Nurturing a relationship with nature through serendipitous encounters with mud, in Sors, L. & Unsworth, R. (eds.). The BERA Guide to Outdoor Learning: Place-Responsive Pedagogy in Educational Research & Practice. BERA.


Hayes, T.A.; Dudman, J. & Hart, A. (2025 under review) A Picture of Who? Me? Them? Us? You? Everybody?’: Reflecting on arts-based research with neurodivergent young people, in Pithouse-Morgan, K.; Pillay, D.; MItchell, C.; Berkley, R. & Hart, A. The Handbook of Arts-Based Educational Research. Bloomsbury.


Hayes, T.A. (2023). Speaking Out for Wolves: A Personal Reflection In Convery, I., Davis, P., Lloyd, K, Nevin, O. and van Maanen, E. (Eds.) The Wolf: Culture, Nature, Heritage. (Heritage Matters).Boydell Press.   


Hayes, T.A. (2021). The practicalities of researching creatively, in von Benzon, N.; Holton, M.; Wilkinson, C. and Wilkinson, S. Creative Methods for Human Geographers. SAGE Publications Ltd.


Hayes, T.A. (2020). I thought… I saw… I heard…: the ethical and moral tensions of auto/biographically opportunistic research in public spaces, in Barker, J. and Wainwright, E. (section eds) in Parsons, J. and Chappell, A. (eds) The Palgrave MacMillan Handbook of Auto/Biography. Palgrave MacMillan. 


Hayes, T.A. and Prince, H. (2019). Shared-story approaches in Outdoor Studies: the HEAR (Hermeneutics, Auto/Ethnography and Action Research) ‘listening’ methodological model, in Humberstone, B. and Prince, H. (eds) Research Methods in Outdoor Studies. Routledge.


Hayes, T.A. (2019). Developing an academic identity: What’s the time Mrs Wolf?, in Fenby-Hulse, K.; Bayley, J.; Heywood, E. and Walker, K. (eds) Research Impact and the Early Career Researcher. Routledge - ‘Higher Education Studies’ Series.  


Hayes, T.A.; Prince, H. and Convery, I. (2019). ‘Bear Illustrations in Children’s Literature’, in Nevin, O.; Convery, I.; Davis, P. and Kitchin, J. (eds). The Bear: A Cultural and Natural Heritage. Boydell & Brewer Ltd - ‘Heritage Matters’ Series.


Hayes, T.A. (2017). ‘Kindness: caring for self, others and nature - who cares and why?’, in Horton, J. and Pyer, M. (eds) Children, young people and care. London: Taylor Francis.


Hayes, T. (2016). A playful approach to outdoor learning: Boggarts, Bears and Bunny Rabbits!, in Horton, J. and Evans, B, (eds.) Play, Recreation, Health and Well Being, Vol.9 of Skelton, T. (ed.) Geographies of Children and Young People. Springer, Singapore.


Conference/Oral Presentations/Seminars and Workshop/Poster presentations  


To date I have given more than 80 presentations at a range of international and national events; the most recent are itemised below.   


Hart, A. and Hayes, T.A. (2024). Minecraft EduPlay: Enabling playful learning conversations within participatory educational research. BERA/WERA 2024, 9-12 September 2024, University of Manchester. [WORKSHOP, non-presenting author]. 


Hayes, T., Leather, M, Milner, A., Major-Smith, K, Smith, M. and Fewings, G. (2024). Far away from the Ivory Tower: The impact of university education on disadvantaged people and their communities.  BERA/WERA 2024, 9-12 September 2024, University of Manchester. [SYMPOSIUM, non-presenting author]. 


Hayes, T.A. (2024). Storycrafting with mundane and magic moments. RGS-IBG 2024 International AGM & conference, 27-30 August 2024, Royal Geographical Society, London.  


Hayes, T.A., Horton, J, Aslanian, T and Moxon, A. (2024). Minor Issues in childhood studies: Playful, reflective, autoethnographic and creative writing in research and practice [workshop]. RGS-IBG 2024 International AGM & conference, 27-30 August 2024, Royal Geographical Society, London.  


Hayes, T.A. (2024). Invited Contributor to Gayle Letherby Masterclass on Auto/Ethnography, 5 June 2024, Plymouth Marjon University.   


Hayes, T.A. and Leather, M. (2023). Curating a cabinet of curiosities: a playful outdoor walkshop. BERA International Conference, September 2023, Birmingham. 


Hayes, T.A, and Dudman, J. (2023). Workshop: A Picture of You – let’s get creative! BERA International Conference, September 2023, Birmingham. 


Hayes, T.A., Hart, A., Elson, N., Katsogridakis, G. and Chaston, M. Symposium: Outdoor Spaces: Physical, technological, digital, virtual experiences. BERA International Conference, September 2023, Birmingham. 


Hayes, T.A. and Hart, A. (2023). Invited Speakers for Game On for Nature. Ecosystem Knowledge Network [Online event, pre-recorded] presented 21 June 2023. Available: [0:46 – 1:15 mins] 


MA research:

  • Health and Social Research Methods – focus group on attempts to measure health and well-being, using HADS (hospital anxiety and depression scale) form with adults in community-based settings. 

  • Research in to the reality of being a teenage mother in England in 2009. 

  • Dissertation – An exploration into the value of using a youth-work approach to environmental youth volunteering projects – involved questionnaires and individual interviews, and made use of a narrative approach. One of the most notable findings was of the concern that exists amongst environmentalists about the increasing disconnectivity that children and young people have from the natural environment.


University Certificate (Postgraduate Level) in Education for Sustainability: this involved research into the equality of opportunity for involvement of young people in environmental education activities by

conducting a local survey (questionnaires) amongst colleagues, and reviewing a recent survey conducted by environmental staff at a partner organisation.

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