Getting to know me...
I enjoy helping people of all ages to explore and enjoy the natural environment, and provide training for the workers who support them. I am enthusiastic about public engagement and enjoy working collaboratively. I spent my formative years in Northumberland, enjoying the wild spaces, beaches and castles around me. After many years in the wilderness of the Midlands, I made my home in Cumbria until September 2022 when I migrated south to Devon.
I work in a naturally friendly way that respects people, places and the wonderful world around us. In addition to academic qualifications, I am a qualified and experienced youth worker and community development professional. I have a wide range of experience of formal and informal learning, including developing and managing a regional Advanced Apprenticeship Scheme in Integrated Youth Support Services (IYSS), a National Environmental Youth Volunteering Programme and regional work on improving young people’s participation. This has involved supporting and teaching children, young people and adults, with subjects ranging from mental health and well-being, peer education for teenage parents, safeguarding/child protection, participation, equality and diversity.
I have worked closely with local authorities across the South West, Cumbria, Midlands (East and West) and with a wide range of local, regional and national organisations within the voluntary and community sector.
I used to describe myself as an accidental youth worker: after graduating I wanted to educate and inspire others about the natural environment, to share my enthusiasm and sense of wonderment. I began working with young children, families and adults, then realised that young people were being inadvertently excluded by not offering opportunities that were accessible, relevant or attractive to them. I resolved to change this, and secured funding to develop an innovative project for young people. I subsequently chose to train as a professional youth/community worker, as the transferable skills and qualities developed through this training enable workers to engage with anyone – whatever their age, background or ability.
I continue to develop my skills as a practitioner, supporting students to volunteer in a range of settings and by conducting applied research.